Landsman: “This election is about who shares our values.”

CINCINNATI — Tonight, Democratic nominee in OH-01 Greg Landsman participated in the final 2022 OH-01 debate co-hosted by CET, 91.7 WVXU, and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber.

Landsman:This is the first time we get to hold Congress accountable since January 6th, since the Supreme Court overturned Roe, and since Chabot’s votes against efforts to invest in our infrastructure and cut costs for our families. On the other hand, I am a father and a former teacher. I’ve been here working hard to make it easier to raise a family. That’s why I built a broad coalition to make preschool more affordable for thousands of families, voted to roll back property taxes every year I’ve been on Council, and worked hard to rebuild trust and transparency at City Hall.

While we’re here working together to get things done, Chabot is nowhere to be found. We need a partner in DC who will be a part of helping us move forward, not voting against us. 

This election is about who shares our values. Chabot sided with the insurrectionists on January 6th, he sided with his party bosses to oppose funding for our roads and bridges, and he continues to side with his uber-wealthy donors rather than fight to lower costs for our families. He will continue voting against us until we vote against him. This year, OH-01 will vote against him.



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