Landsman Clear Winner in First Debate

CINCINNATI — Tonight, Democratic nominee in OH-01 Greg Landsman participated in the Your Vote Counts 2022 Election Forum hosted by the JCRC, AJC Cincinnati, and Local 12. This was the first of three scheduled debates in OH-01.

Landsman:There’s a clear choice for voters in this election. I’ve spent my career bringing down costs for our children and families and in Congress, I’ll stand up for our fundamental rights. 

Chabot’s been in DC for nearly three decades. He’s spent his career working to ban abortion without exception and obsessing over DC political fights. He has consistently opposed efforts to bring costs down, keep our neighborhoods safe, and protect our democracy. He tried to throw out legally cast votes and voted against efforts to prevent another coup. He’s with his uber-wealthy donors and DC party bosses, not with us.

This is the first time we get to hold Congress accountable since the January 6 insurrection, since a fundamental right was taken from us, since Uvalde and dozens of other children were victims of gun violence. Chabot’s been in Washington too long and he’s a part of the problem. It’s time for a change.

This was the first of three scheduled debates in OH-01. The two remaining debates are on October 12th and 13th. 



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