Chabot Lies at Forum About Anti-Choice Record

CINCINNATI — Last night in the Our Vote Counts Congressional Forum, Congressman Chabot was pressed on his extreme anti-choice record. This came after he was called out for literally ducking a reporter’s question on Roe by “diving into a waiting car.

Chabot has been the face of the anti-choice movement for decades, but is now trying to suggest otherwise. One of his “proudest moments” was the passage of an abortion ban. In 2006, he said that he would like to “see a ban on all abortions.” But last night he hid from his “achievements.” Here they are:

No Exceptions Abortion Bans

Chabot supports abortion bans without exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother: 

Roe v. Wade: Worse than Dred Scott v. Sanford?

Chabot believes that Roe v. Wade and the right to abortion it provided is an abomination. He has called the 1973 ruling the most “wrong-headed decision ever,” worse than decisions upholding slavery and ‘separate but equal’. He has signed amicus briefs imploring the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Earlier this year, he voted against codifying the rights afforded by Roe.

Attacking Access to Birth Control

Chabot currently cosponsors legislation that would likely ban IVF and forms of birth control. In July of this year, he voted against the bipartisan bill protecting access to contraception.


Clear Contrast Between Landsman & Chabot in Second Debate


Landsman Clear Winner in First Debate