Landsman Releases Ad Fighting Back Against Chabot’s Lies

CINCINNATI — Landsman for Congress released its fourth ad today in OH-01, titled “Safety”. It features Councilman Scotty Johnson, a 33-year veteran of the Cincinnati Police Department and former lead SWAT negotiator; Hamilton County Sheriff Charmaine McGuffey, a 35-year veteran of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office; former Sgt. Cassandra Tucker; and former Cincinnati Police Officer Eric Dunn. 

The ad focuses on Greg Landsman’s record on public safety in contrast to the dishonest attacks from Chabot and his allies. These claims from Chabot and his allies have been debunked over and over and over by local media, but they continue to perpetuate the lie. 

Here are the facts: in Landsman’s time on Cincinnati City Council he voted for all five public safety budgets, collectively raising the police budget by nearly $20 million. He also led the effort this year to secure a second police recruit class for the first time in over two decades. These increases were only possible because of $350 billion in police and fire funding for cities, townships, and counties that Chabot voted against.

Scotty Johnson: Chabot has run dishonest campaigns for decades and this is no different. Chabot’s the one who voted against $350 billion in police and fire funding for cities. As a local elected official and former police officer, I know how important that money is to keep our police on the street and our neighborhoods safe.

Sheriff Charmaine McGuffey: Greg Landsman’s record is clear – he’s always supported public safety and keeping our communities safe. That’s why law enforcement officers around here support Greg Landsman.

Sgt. Cassandra Tucker: “Greg funded public safety to its highest level ever. Greg has voted for all five police budgets since he started on Council Council, and police funding has gone up by $20 million. This year he even led the fight to secure a second recruit class – the first in over two decades. Greg knows that it is critical to keep our community safe, and to say otherwise is just not true.

Ad Transcript:

Johnson: This ad from Congressman Chabot’s friends is just wrong.

McGuffey: Landsman increased police funding by $20 million.

Johnson: $20 million.

Tucker: Greg funded public safety to its highest level ever.

Dunn: The Cincinnati Enquirer wrote that Chabot’s attacks are just not true.

Johnson: Please – Congressman Chabot stop lying about Greg Landsman’s record.

McGuffey: Police around here support Greg Landsman.



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Latest Ad Contrasts Good Government Leader Landsman with Corporate PAC Congressman Chabot