Chabot Votes Against Relief for Baby Formula Shortage

CINCINNATI— Tuesday, Steve Chabot tweeted his concern about the baby formula crisis. But by Wednesday, Chabot instead voted against providing relief through the bipartisan Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 7790). This bill dedicates $28 million in emergency funding to the FDA to address the shortage. Infants across the country are going hungry as parents search desperately for baby formula. 

Greg Landsman released the following statement in response to Rep. Steve Chabot’s vote

“Simply put, Chabot does not care about our children and families. Over and over again, he has proven he is beholden to D.C. Republican bosses with his votes against lowering the costs of prescription drugs, against replacing the Brent Spence Bridge, against healthcare and disability benefits for veterans, and his vote last night against relief for starving babies.

Chabot only cares about Republican insiders and corporate donors, whether they tell him to ban abortion without exception or to vote against feeding starving children. To pretend to care about a crisis on Tuesday and deny relief on Wednesday is cynical, hypocritical, and cruel. 

I am tired of the bogus talking points and partisan chaos from someone who is clearly out of touch with the needs of folks here at home – I will always put our children and families before party bosses and petty fights.”


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