Another Vote Against Public Safety from Chabot

CINCINNATI— Greg Landsman, Democratic nominee in OH-01, put out the following statement in response to Chabot’s vote against the Protecting Our Kids Act:

“Yesterday, Congress heard from families shattered by gun violence in Buffalo and Uvalde. Afterwards, Chabot voted against yet another bipartisan common-sense measure to keep our communities safe. The voices of the families didn’t matter. The only people that matter to Chabot on this vote are his gun lobby donors and DC party bosses. He did what they wanted, not what we needed.”

The Protecting Our Kids Act raises the age at which people can buy guns from 18 to 21, cracks down on gun trafficking, and promotes safe storage of firearms, all of which are common-sense gun reforms that would make our schools and neighborhoods safer for our children. But his DC bosses and gun lobby donors told him to vote no, so he did.

Chabot has received the second-highest amount of direct support from the NRA out of anyone in the House of Representatives. He’s taken more in direct support from the NRA than Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, or Lindsey Graham. Because of their contributions, Chabot has repeatedly voted against banning assault weapons and other common-sense measures to keep our communities safe. 

Chabot and his bosses aren’t with us. He even voted against the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, despite nearly 90% of Americans supporting background checks on all gun sales. Chabot is out of touch with the majority of American voters. 

Landsman: “Chabot does whatever the people who pay his campaign bills tell him to do. Party bosses and gun lobbyists fund his campaign, so he’s always with them. It’s up to us to vote him out of Congress.”


On Overturning of Roe v. Wade


Landsman to Chabot: Push to Ban Assault Weapons Now