Landsman Releases New Ad: Differences

CINCINNATI — Landsman for Congress released a new ad in OH-01, titled “Differences.” The ad highlights Chabot’s votes against efforts to deliver for the constituents of OH-01, including votes against bipartisan efforts to cap the cost of insulin, against bipartisan infrastructure funding, and in favor of cutting taxes for the ultra-wealthy. 

Landsman, meanwhile, led efforts locally to invest in infrastructure and make preschool affordable for thousands of families through the Preschool Promise. He has also voted to roll back property taxes every year he has been on Council.

Landsman: The choice in this election is clear. Chabot has voted against us over and over again. Washington is making it harder to raise a family, and he is a part of the problem.

He voted against efforts to cap the cost of prescription drugs and hold price-gouging companies accountable. He even voted against bipartisan efforts to cap the cost of insulin and repair our crumbling roads and bridges. Instead, he cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy folks who fund his campaigns.

He isn’t going to change. Chabot is going to keep voting against us until we vote against him. It’s time to get a new congressman.

Ad Transcript:

I’m Greg Landsman, and there are big differences between Congressman Chabot and me.

I support lowering the price of prescription drugs like insulin.

Chabot voted against that.

I’ll work to rebuild our roads and bridges.

Chabot voted no on that too.

We need to cut taxes for the middle class.

Chabot gave tax breaks to millionaires and raised taxes on the rest of us.

I approve this message because Washington's made it harder to raise a family

That has got to change.



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